Client Testimonials & Reviews


I did the one on one coaching for 12 weeks with Natalie and I loved it! She made me push myself in way I didn’t know was possible. Before starting with her I was lifting, but it was not nearly as productive as it was in these 12 weeks with her. I saw more progress in 12 weeks with her than I did in months of lifting without a trainer. I now feel so confident in the gym and I have a way better understanding on what to do and how heavy I really can lift. She is very on top of check ins and always answered my texts so fast anytime of the day. I 100% recommend if you need an extra push or some guidance in the gym to try out these 12 weeks with her.


Natalie is such an amazing coach! I've had such great progress in a short amount of time due to her giving me everything I need to reach my goals. The workouts make me push myself harder and harder each week and are always fun. The weekly check ins are also great, they keep me consistent and accountable. I highly recommend working with Natalie if you want to feel motivated and work toward your goals!


I only started at the beginning of December and my experience with Natalie has been amazing!! With the holidays & family events, it has been hard to stick 100% to the plan but Natalie is so understanding of everything! She has made me feel so comfortable in my routine and understand that a couple days or a week off of plan will not ruin everything! She has helped me to start find some balance in my life which is the best feeling! Oh and the workouts… yeah I am DEADDDD lol. Such an amazing coach


Natalie was not only a trainer, but a friend. I looked up to her and continue to over social media because she not only is motivating and inspiring, but is so real and loving about it as well. I am so grateful for her ways and teachings and how intelligent she is. Hard work pays off & she is the full definition of it! Thank you so much Natalie & nothing but happiness, success, and joy to you for the New Year. Love you girl!


I have only been working with Natalie for a few weeks, but I have absolutely loved my experience with online coaching. Each week on the check-ins, she provides new and insightful advice that is extremely helpful. I have learned more about what to eat and what my body needs to see progress. I have noticed more results in this program in a few weeks than previous attempts on my own. I still have a long way to go, but I am excited and confident that she will help me reach my goals!


I was always so nervous to reach out to someone to help me with my goals, but I stepped out of my comfort zone and reached out to Natalie for 1:1 coaching and it has been the best decision I have made for myself. Natalie is very understanding, genuine, and honest as a coach and that is exactly what I was looking for. I am a couple months into her program and I’ve already seen so much improvement in my strength, body, and eating habits. Each week Natalie is consistent with her check ins and gives me feedback on everything from the past week and alters macros according to my feedback and what i need to continue to make progress. She has made me confident in myself and comfortable with the fact that the number on the scale is not everything, the way you feel and the changes you see in your progress pictures are the real sign of progress. I still have a long way to go (especially after the holidays lol) but I am so confident in Natalie and her coaching that I will reach my goals.

client review:

i love the progress that i've made and i'm really noticing the drastic changes in my body physically and how i feel overall. the whole process honestly amazes me and i wanted to thank you for everything!!


I wore a crop top that actually showed skin for the first time ever! I normally wear crop tops that are "crop tops" but wear high waisted jeans so that no skin shows. But I finally felt confident to wear one that actually showed skin! Granted it was a tiny bit of skin but still I was so proud of myself!


When I first signed up for Natalie’s training program, I honestly was super unsure of what was to come. I’ve been going to the gym even before I signed up but I wasn’t confident in myself at all. I barely knew how to use the machines and I didn’t want to get out of my comfort zone and ask for help. But that changed when I saw Natalie’s insta page. Natalie looked so confident with her workouts so when she posted about her training program, of course I needed to sign up! And I’m so glad I did. Natalie has helped me gain so much more confidence in working out, and now I know how to use every machine at my gym! I have seen my body improve in a very positive way and it’s all because of Natalie’s program. It has helped me out so much, and I’m so grateful! I’ve learned a lot about myself through this program and it’s made me such a more happier and healthier person:) The weekly check ins were definitely the most motivating because not only did Natalie wanted to see improvement, but I did too...which is why I kept pushing myself to work hard whenever I was at the gym. I hope anyone who has the chance to sign up for this program does because it will make you better both physically and mentally. It will challenge you, but it will all be worth it!


I highly enjoyed being coached by Natalie! She was very professional, her weekly check-ins and program updates were always on time. Her programs always pushed me and helped me achieve my fitness goals. I started out doing an at home program because I was too intimidated by the gym. But, a couple weeks in she helped get out of my comfort zone and helped me feel comfortable enough to start going to the gym. I am so happy with the improvements I have made after working with her as my coach. I highly recommend her!


I was coached by Natalie for her first 3 months she started to do coaching. During that time period she pushed me to my limits and I could really tell she cared about me and my progress. I never felt like my workout was a "one size fits all" and she really pushed me to pick up those heavier weights and trust myself and my form. When I started hitting some obstacles she gave me great advice and we tweaked my macros and my workouts to better accommodate for my situation. If I ever needed anything from her she would always respond so quickly and help me out! Because of how awesome she is I am currently on her TogetHER program and I absolutely have been killing it at the gym! Go Nat! Thanks for being that push I need in the gym on the days I don't want to go


100% recommend to anyone considering getting a coach. You have helped me break all of my plateaus in the gym. I’ve definitely seen a decent amount of change in my body in terms of building more muscle and losing a bit fat.


I wasn't sure what to expect when I signed up for the 1 on 1 coaching but I figured I'd give it a try. I had previously been going to the gym very inconsistently and wasn't making any progress on my own so I knew I needed help. I have greatly enjoyed the last seven months working with Natalie. She is always so encouraging and supportive. Natalie has helped me to enjoy going to the gym and enjoy eating more than I was before. It is because of her that my relationship with food has improved so much. I think my absolute favorite thing about working with Natalie is that she never gave up on me and my fitness journey despite making very slow progress, and I found that so encouraging when I was ready to give up. Natalie pushes me in a supportive way that motivates and challenges. I can't recommend her enough.

I can tell in my waist it has seem to have gotten tighter on the sides which I LOVE and you made me fall in love with upper body. I cannot thank you enough. I'm more confident in the gym with knowing what to do, where to go with the machinery, and even wearing cute clothes. Thank you girl!!!


i've been shopping for cute summer clothes and i have been like so emotional because my sizes are going down and things are fitting so good and i'm feeling more confident, i'm wearing tops that i've always said " wish i could wear that" about. i'm crying now while typing this but i feel like i'm on a major soul healing journey right now and really taking time to prioritize myself. i simply cannot be bothered right now, and i LOVE that for me. you have absolutely changed my life.


I can only say positive things. the plans are delivered to you at the top. the calories and maccros are just right for me. you were there for you at all times. You give strength and encouragement when you have a deep time. If you wanted something new, you immediately implemented it for me in the next week. You let it increase slowly that it was just right for me. I can only say for myself that a great trainer has always come back to her. I am very grateful for the time and continue to do it according to your plan.


Natalie’s program was exactly what I needed to get myself back on track. As someone who has spent time in the weight room since high school I felt confident in what I was doing but I was getting tired of my same old routine. Natalie provided me with a structured workout routine that held me accountable and made me enjoy going to the gym every day. Along with that I began tracking my macros for the first time. While I wasn’t necessarily wanting to lose weight, I was more interested being educated on what I eat and how it is reflected on my body. What I really like was that Natalie supplied me with all the resources and it was up to me to be accountable and get the job done! Thank you so much Natalie!!!


I am so grateful for Natalie, not only as a coach but a friend by teaching me new ways in loving myself and by training and treating my body in so many different ways. I have learned so SO much that is helping me now, and will continue to help me through my fitness journey. I have learned so much about nutrition, what my body craves, the specific food it needs, and control. I have learned new exercises and to not be afraid to add more weight. I have shaped myself not only on the outside, but on the inside with Natalie’s help. She has made a huge mark in my life that i will forever be grateful for and I 100% recommend her to anyone who is looking for help in their fitness life. Thank you Natalie for showing me a new way of life. Love you girl


Having you coach me these past few months has been the greatest experience. I made the most progress ever within just a few weeks with you than months on my own. You have inspired me and helped me push myself to be the best version of myself. Having you hold me accountable every week made me push myself to complete all my workouts and hit all my macro goals. I cannot wait to continue my fitness journey and see where I end up in a few years. Thank you for everything you have done for me!


Natalie was very professional & was so kind whenever I had any questions! I came to Natalie because I needed help with nutrition & I am very happy with my results! I have already told multiple friends about her, because I am so happy with where I am, since having Natalie as my coach!


Natalie has made me look forward to getting into the gym again. The motivation she gives from her check ins are amazing and I’m just so excited to be working with her again! One of the most genuine people I’ve met and truly cares about her clients! Always quick with the responses and always so accommodating. Beware though, her glute days will make your booty want to fall right off! (In a good way!) so happy to have made a friend and have to have met such a wonderful coach in her!


Honestly when I started exercising I really just wanted to lose weight and lose size and I definitely don't care about that nearly as much. I care about the way I feel about myself changing so much more than my physical body changing, and the way I feel has changed so much especially in the last few months. I feel so much more confident in myself and I feel so much stronger than I used to which makes me feel really good.