A science based approach to naturally and sustainably sculpting a strong, feminine physique.

Meet Your Coach

Natalie launched her career as an Online Fitness Coach in 2021, following her graduation from High Point University with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science with a concentration in Health and Wellness. Natalie specializes in helping women cultivate healthy, sustainable lifestyle habits to achieve their ideal physique naturally.

Natalie's enthusiasm for fitness and her commitment to helping others are deeply rooted in her lifelong experience as a dancer and her personal journey through health challenges. After embarking on her own fitness journey in 2017, she recognized the complexities and costs associated with accessing effective fitness tools. With years of expertise and a comprehensive educational background, Natalie has developed an exceptional one-on-one fitness program. This program has transformed the lives of hundreds of women worldwide.


    • nutrition plan (macro or meal plan preference)

    • training plan personalized to your schedule and goals

    • cardio protocols

    • daily step goals

    • sleep & recovery management

    • stress level management

    • water goal

    • digestion optimization

    • supplement recommendations

    • weekly check ins with video response feedback

    • protocol adjustments as needed to keep you progressing

    • exercise form checks

    • 24/7 messaging access to your coach

    • nutrition plan (macro or meal plan preference)

    • water goal

    • digestion optimization

    • supplement recommendations

    • weekly check ins with video response feedback

    • protocol adjustments as needed to keep you progressing

    • exercise form checks

    • 24/7 messaging access to your coach

Client Progress

“I saw more progress in 12 weeks with her than I did in months of lifting without a trainer.”

“I have seen my body improve in a very positive way and it's all because of Natalie's program.”

“I hope anyone who has the chance to sign up for this program does because it will make you better both physically and mentally.”

“Natalie provided me with a structured workout routine that held me accountable and made me enjoy going to the gym every day.”

“I've had such great progress in a short amount of time due to her giving me everything I need to reach my goals.”

“I never felt like my workout was a "one size fits all" and she really pushed me to pick up those heavier weights and trust myself and my form.”

“I have shaped myself not only on the outside, but on the inside with Natalie's help. She has made a huge mark in my life that i will forever be grateful for and I 100% recommend her to anyone who is looking for help in their fitness life.”

“She has helped me to start find some balance in my life which is the best feeling!”

“I made the most progress ever within just a few weeks with you than months on my own. You have inspired me and helped me push myself to be the best version of myself.”

“It is because of her that my relationship with food has improved so much.”

“I have noticed more results in this program in a few weeks than previous attempts on my own.”

“I was always so nervous to reach out to someone to help me with my goals, but I stepped out of my comfort zone and reached out to Natalie for 1:1 coaching and it has been the best decision I have made for myself.”

“One of the most genuine people I've met and truly cares about her clients!”

“Natalie is the best possible coach you could work with!”

“After working with Natalie the last 4 months i have learned so much about nutrition and what my body needs to perform its best!”